Realtime Collaboration

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Reka provides an additional @rekajs/collaboration package that enables multiplayer capabilities for your page editor.

This package is powered by Yjs - a library for building CRDTs, it's recommended that you take a look at the official documentation before proceeding.

Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDT)

CRDT data structures are commonly used to achieve real-time collaboration.

In Reka, the State data structure by itself is not a CRDT and has no real-time collaborative capabilities; this is by design so we can keep the core of Reka more portable and we don't assume that everyone needs multiplayer features in their page builders, which would otherwise be additional bloat if multiplayer is not an actual requirement.

The @rekajs/collaboration package provides an Extension where the core State data structure is mirrored by a Yjs CRDT.

Whenever there's a change in the State data structure:

  • These changes are propagated to the mirrored CRDT, and all clients in the network will receive these changes in their own respective CRDTs without conflicts.
  • Then, changes from the CRDT structure are applied back to the core State structure of each client.

State Representation

It's also important to note that the way State is represented in the CRDT is different. The State itself is a nested tree while it is represented as a flat tree in its Yjs CRDT form:

// State representation in Reka
type: "State',
program: {
type: "Program",
components: [
type: "RekaComponent",
state: [],
props: [],
template: null,
// Flatten State representation in Yjs-CRDT
types: {
"state-id": {
type: "State",
program: "program-id",
"program-id": {
type: "Program",
components: ["component-id"]
"component-id": {
type: "RekaComponent",
state: [],
props: [],
template: null,
root: "state-id",


npm install @rekajs/collaboration yjs y-webrtc

We're installing y-webrtc to use the WebRTC connector for this example, but you could also use other connectors such as y-websocket

Basic setup

To setup, you need to first create the following via yjs:

  • A new Yjs Doc
  • A root Y.Map type

    Note: that @rekajs/collaboration stores the actual flatten state in the document key of the root Y.Map that you provide the extension with

  • Create a new Reka instance and retrieve the initial State from the Yjs document
  • Bind a Yjs connector (ie: y-webrtc)
// app.tsx
import { Reka } from '@rekajs/core';
import * as t from '@rekajs/types';
import { createCollabExtension } from '@rekajs/collaboration';
import * as Y from 'yjs';
import { WebrtcProvider } from 'y-webrtc';
// 1. Create a new Yjs Doc
const doc = new Y.Doc();
// 2. Create a new Y.Map type
// This map will be used to store the flattened Reka state
// Initially, this will be empty; see the section below on how to correctly set the initial state locally
const type = doc.getMap('my-collaborative-editor');)
const CollabExtension = createCollabExtension(type);
// 3. Create a Reka.create instance with an initial State
const reka = Reka.create({
extensions: [CollabExtension],
// 4. Get flattend state from Yjs
const document = type.get('document');
// 5. Restore the Reka state
const state = t.unflatten(document.toJSON());
// 6. Bind connector
const provider = new WebrtcProvider('collab-room', doc);

How to set the initial State in Yjs locally with WebRTC

In the above example with WebRTC, we're loading the initial State in Reka by getting the state that exists in the Yjs document.

However, as you may expect - the document in Yjs is empty initially, which could be problematic for Yjs in determining the initial state. So, if you would like to set up an initial State with some ComponentComponents locally, there're a few extra steps that you will have to do:

1) Create a script that generates a Yjs update

First, we need to create a script that will set up Reka and load an initial State as usual. We will then manually apply that initial State to our Yjs document:

// scripts/generate-encoded-initial-update.ts
import { jsToYType } from '@rekajs/collaboration';
import { Reka } from '@rekajs/core';
import * as t from '@rekajs/types';
import * as Y from 'yjs';
import fs from 'fs';
const doc = new Y.Doc();
const type = doc.getMap('my-collaborative-editor');
// Note: don't include the CollabExtension here
// We are setting up a dummy Reka instance here purely to serialise its State for Y.js
const reka = Reka.create();
program: t.program({
components: [
const flattenState = t.flatten(reka.state);
const { converted } = jsToYType(flattenState);
// Store the state in the "document" key of the Y.Map type:
type.set('document', converted);
const update = Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(doc);
const encoded = Buffer.from(update).toString('base64');
// Finally, save the encoded state value in a separate file:
`export const ENCODED_INITIAL_STATE = '${encoded}';`

2) Apply the encoded update

Then, in your actual application where you're setting up Reka with the CollabExtension - just ensure that you apply the encoded update:

// app.tsx
import { Reka } from '@rekajs/core';
import * as t from '@rekajs/types';
import { createCollabExtension } from '@rekajs/collaboration';
import * as Y from 'yjs';
import { WebrtcProvider } from 'y-webrtc';
import { ENCODED_INITIAL_STATE } from './generated/encoded-initial-state';
// 1. Create a new Yjs Doc
const doc = new Y.Doc();
// 2. Create a new Y.Map type
// This map will be used to store the flattened Reka state
// Initially, this will be empty; see the section below on how to correctly set the initial state locally
const type = doc.getMap('my-collaborative-editor');)
// 2.5: Apply initial update! <---
Y.applyUpdate(doc, Buffer.from(ENCODED_INITIAL_STATE, 'base64'));
const CollabExtension = createCollabExtension(type);
// 3. Create a Reka.create instance with an initial State
const reka = Reka.create({
extensions: [CollabExtension],
// 4. Get flattend state from Yjs
const document = type.get('document');
// 5. Restore the Reka state
const state = t.unflatten(document.toJSON());
// 6. Bind connector
const provider = new WebrtcProvider('collab-room', doc);
Made with by @prevwong
Reka is released under the MIT license